Sunday 2 December 2018

It's December?!

I was aware that December started yesterday, but it really hit me hard today that we're in the last month of 2018. This year has certainly flew by quickly, and it only seems to go by faster and faster with each and every year.

As for karate today, we had our annual kata tournament. Smaller numbers than usual, but the quality was pretty good today. It's funny seeing how some students slack off during class, but during the tournament they're all gung-ho. Congratulations to all the winners!

After karate, I managed to finish marking some online assignments before updating notes. I updated my Science 7 notes last year, but somehow I lost all my files... Fortunately, it's not too hard to modify existing notes in comparison from starting from scratch.

Onto another week of work. Just three more weeks to go! Technically two since the last week before break is mostly activities and movies.

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