Tuesday 25 December 2018

Christmas 2018

Waking up with a stuffed sinus is never a good sign. As the day progressed, it seemed to stabilize a bit, but I have a feeling that it'll turn into a cold at any moment. Fortunately, it's the beginning of break so I have time to recover before work starts!

Merry Christmas to all! It has been a wonderful day to catch up with people! Christmas is time to spend with loved ones, though it shouldn't be the only day to do so in my opinion.

Besides going out, I managed to get more Shadows of the Tomb Raider in -- with some parts giving me a heart attack (those Yaaxil's are the scariest out of the Stormguards or the Deathless Ones in my opinion). I also got in a couple episodes of Zombieland Saga.

Funny how I would be more scared of humans than zombies today... though I guess it's all about the context rather than the actors themselves.

In other words, time to go back to work tomorrow. I should get a start on marking those labs...

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