Saturday 21 September 2013

A Garbage Day

My morning started bright and early since we had to go dump some garbage at the landfill. It wasn't too far from our house, so we left a little bit later than what we wanted to leave at. Once we arrived at the landfill, we got to our spot and started chucking our junk out. It was actually quite a stress-relieving activity, since it was pretty cool seeing windows travel in a parabola to see it smash into pieces on the ground! Unfortunately though, I was injured twice during the ordeal (though not with the windows thank goodness!). I stabbed myself with a nail (wasn't rusty and I had my Tetanus booster a couple years back) and managed to scratch the side of my neck with some lumber. =/

After getting home, I prepared to rip out some old carpet that we needed to get replaced. My task was to work on the stairs that leads from my main floor to the upper level. Six stairs took me nearly four and a half hours to complete. It was a pain removing all the old staples and nails underneath the carpet. Each stair had almost 100 staples!! And each staple, for me at least, almost took 20-30 seconds to remove...

Oh well. At least it's done!  

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