Wednesday 11 September 2013

What an interesting walk today...

First of all, today marks the 12th year since the 9/11 attacks. May those souls rest in peace.

Onto my day! Woke up and did my usual once again. After my brother went to work, I went outside and took a walk on the pathway outside of my house.

It was an interesting walk to say... For the first part, I kept giving myself a wedgie... >_<. I had to adjust my boxers discreetly since I was worried that, if somebody was behind me, would wonder what this guy is doing... "scratching his butt". No matter how much I tried to adjust, I kept giving myself wedgies!!

Out of frustration, or something, I started to jog a bit and voila! Wedgie gone!

And onto something a bit more normal...

Near the end of my walk, I started walking with my eyes closed. I wanted to feel the warmth of the sun (quite a warm September we're having so far) and feel the breeze that was wafting by. Sure, I opened my eyes every 10 seconds or so to ensure I wasn't going to crash into anything. Overall, it was a very pleasant walk, and something I think I'm going to try more often!

Not the wedgies of course!

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