Saturday 14 September 2013

Afternoon Fatigue

One of the reasons why I like to wake up early is because I get a lot of my work done in the morning (when I do wake up early). When I don't I tend to get nothing accomplished, since after breakfast, it's pretty much lunch time... and then yeah... the dreaded afternoon.

When I got nothing to do, I tend to get really sleepy during the afternoons. I try not to nap, but then I tend to just sit in my chair and scroll through YouTube videos. I dub these tired spells as my Afternoon Fatigues.

Today's afternoon fatigue was extremely fatiguing. I was earnestly trying to study torque and rotational inertia, but I ended up just staring at the page. So I went out for a long walk with my brother. When I got back, about an hour later, I managed to finish reading up rotational inertia. However, very soon after, I fell asleep.

For like 3 minutes...

And then somehow I was full of energy!

But no motivation...

Weird. =/

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