Monday 2 September 2013

The Kitchen God's Wife

Labour Day! Somehow I woke up super late and ended up eating both breakfast and lunch at the same time. I guess that's what people call a brunch? Or is that when you eat a meal between breakfast or lunch...

Anyways, I ended up reading quite a bit of a book that my mom got for me: Amy Tan's The Kitchen God's Wife. It's an interesting story that, from what I'm getting so far, speaks about a strained relationship between a daughter and her mother. The mother ends up telling the daughter about her past, which is where I am currently at in the book.

It's a good read since I'm able to connect in a way, especially in terms of the Chinese culture depicted in the book. I didn't expect to enjoy this book since I barely read anything now a days, but it has been a good read so far!

And no huge English words or confusing point of views (ie: The Sound and the Fury. I'm sorry Faulkner fans, but that book made absolutely no sense to my simple mind). And thank goodness it's no Great Expectations.... my mind imploded when I had to read that book for high school. Perhaps I'll tackle that when I'm a bit more mature and wiser. 

And that's that! Time to sleep and wake up early and start fresh! Studying and job searching =P


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