Sunday 1 September 2013

A new month! A new start!

It's hard to believe that summer went by so quickly! (I know it's not the official end of summer, but I like to associate September as the start of a new school year).

Hell, it's hard to believe that 2013 is almost over. At times, it really feels like yesterday was January 1st. The months keep on rolling by!

As for today, I ended up playing board games with my brother. It's a nice change from being so hooked to the internet in recent weeks. We started off with a Pokémon board game that we got years ago, in which you capture Pokémon chips and battle the Elite Four. Afterwards, near the evening, we played a game of Stratego. It was our first time playing it, so we used the newbie setup. Despite not being very good at strategy games (in which I got my butt kicked by my brother), I'm starting to get the hang of the game.

And with that, I hope that I end up blogging more often!


A picture of the cover of the board game.

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