Wednesday 4 September 2013

PLC is 25

I went to go volunteer at the hospital today for it's 25th anniversary. I first went up to the volunteer office to receive instructions on what I have to do for the day. It started off with them programming a walkie talkie like device called a "voicesera" (something like that). It's special in that you can direct your calls to people, rather than to broadcast it to everyone.

After receiving my voicesera/voicecera/whatever its called, a bunch of us volunteers went down to help set up the cafeteria. After that was set up, I proceeded back to the office to grab the bench so I can, along with another volunteer member, play music for those coming in the west entrance.

We spent about three hours playing, while we took turns on our instruments (the other volunteer was on a violin). I was hoping to recognize some people passing by, because apparently all three levels of gov't heads (mayor, premier and prime minister) were supposed to be at the celebration. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to catch a glimpse of any of them... though I may have seen the premier passing by...

But yes, that was my day today!

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