Saturday 28 September 2013

Splitting Headaches

Have you ever been so bored that you develop a intense headaches? That was me today. I was pretty much isolated in my room for the entire day. Since I'm not the type to study on my bed, I wasn't able to do any work. Also, I pretty much had no access to internet. I ended up just laying there, finishing up the first Harry Potter audio book.

The boredom, almost quite literally, killed me. My head was pounding. Fortunately for me, after I was able to go on my computer, it went away after a while! I guess it also helped that Wind Mobile accepted iPhone 5s. I can't wait for my plan to expire so that I can transfer over to Wind! My iPhone 4 served me well over the years, but iOS 7 is laggy on it.

Plus, if they still have their $30 plan, I don't have to pay over $50 each month! (For pretty much little data).

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