Tuesday 3 September 2013

Productive September Day!

I actually got quite a bit done today! I started my morning with job searching and applied to a couple posts. After job hunting, I proceeded to study some physics. Out of the three sciences taught in secondary schools, physics is my weakest since I never took it in high school and pretty much copied my friend's homework in university. (Two of my biggest regrets in my schooling life). I started off with basic kinematics, and practiced some questions.

After studying, I ate lunch and went out for a walk. During my walk, my knee started to feel a bit funny, but I guess that's from sitting down all summer break. It's going to take some time to get back in shape. (I keep telling myself to keep in shape, but I guess it's finally time to act on it.)

And after all that, I lazed around the afternoon for a bit. I was feeling a bit fatigued from the morning and lack of sleep/waking up early.

Then work!

And yes! A productive day indeed! Hopefully this trend will last! Time to turn a new leaf!

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