Sunday 15 September 2013

Nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah Electric Shock

What another ordinary today was, or mostly was! I got up early, went to karate, and came back home. I was pretty much stuck in my room, so I ended up not doing much. =/ I tried studying, but I can never study on my bed (my study desk is not in my room). Therefore, I ended up reading up stuff on the net, and watching YouTube videos.

After I left my room, I was in a bit of a haze, so I was walking haphazardly down the stairs. I made contact with some bare live wires (we're fixing some outlets in my house at the moment).

And of course, as one expected, I got an electric shock. It wasn't too bad since I was mostly drowsy at that time, but it did help wake me up! After getting shocked, the song "Electric Shock", sung by a Kpop group, f(x), started playing in my head...

Maybe I'm getting too immersed into Kpop, though it's definitely not a bad thing!

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