Friday 13 September 2013

Make some luck for an "unlucky day"!

It's Friday the 13th! Or it was 15ish minutes ago!

Since it was Friday, I decided to take a day off and relax. Therefore I played a bunch of LoL and surfed the net. I did feel kind of guilty since I didn't get any work done, but that's okay! Gotta relax now and then... or maybe I've relaxed for too long (*cough cough Summer cough cough*)

As for the title of the post...

So for Bro Night, I got to pick the place today. I wanted to try out a new place in the NE, Banana Leaf, but it turned out that they closed at 8. (We arrived at 8:30). We then went to downtown for Happy Hour at Sakana, but that didn't start to 10! After Sakana, we went to see if Calgary Court was open, but it was still undergoing renovations from the flooding.

Okay, three restaurants down, but we weren't out yet. We decided to check out a Korean place in Dragon City Mall (forgot the name of the place), but they were closing in about 40 minutes. Since we normally take our time when we eat, we didn't think it was the right place for us to eat (despite the fact that they probably wouldn't kick us out, but you know... it just doesn't feel right staying too long after closing time).

For our fifth place, we went to Hokkaido on 5th ave, but it was closed for a private function. Then towards our 6th restaurant, which was more of a pub I guess, Palomino was too noisy for our tastes.

Finally, for our 7th restaurant stop, we decided to eat at Milestones. Since it was a nice night, we opted for a table out on the patio. There was a really faint, but pleasant breeze which made the night really enjoyable. We got to see a lot of interesting events, such as exotic cars passing by to a couple police officers arresting/detaining some drunken people down Stephen Ave.

So overall, the 7 restaurant stops ensured that we had a night that wasn't full of misfortune! Sure it's not scientific, but I am a little bit superstitious!

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