Monday 9 September 2013

You're kidding me...

As of the last couple of hours, my throat started to feel funny. If it does turn out to be a sore throat, it'll be my third bout of illness in about five months... a first for me from what I can remember.

What happened to getting sick once a year >_<. Ah well... what can you do? I guess things could be a lot worse...

Anyways for today, it turned out to be a pretty productive day! Once again, I started my morning off with job searching and physics. Afterwards, I went to the police station to get my security clearance fixed. I forgot to put down the agency from last time =/. Also, this'll be my third police check this year! (Or is it fourth now...) I wonder if they care how many police checks I get..

After submitting my fixed check, I went home and took a lengthy walk. Normally, I would travel North or East of my house, but I decided to try a southern route today. I wandered through neighbourhoods that I never explored before. I think I ended up walking for almost 5 km today!

Besides a productive day, I wish I could have said the same for LoL... I'm currently on a losing streak. Since I'm on this losing streak, I'm also below par once again. =(

And that marks my day for today!

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