Tuesday 24 September 2013

Twitching Eyelid...

I'm not sure why, but my right eyelid was sporadically twitching all day! I noticed it first thing in the morning when I woke up. I walked to my bathroom.


Did my business.

Twitch, twitch

Ate breakfast

Twitched (throughout my meal).

And then it stopped for a while when I was job searching. It came back after I began studying. =/

My guess it's either from eye strain or stress/anxiety. I don't think I have an eye infection and I hope that it goes away tomorrow.

If it's due to eye strain, I'll stop watching YouTube videos at night. I have the habit, for the past 5 months or so, to watch YouTube videos on my iPod Touch or iPhone to help me fall asleep. Starting today, I think I'll pull out my old Harry Potter audio tapes and listen to them instead. =)

Yes I admit, I'm a Harry Potter Geek.

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