Tuesday 17 September 2013

Invincible Youth

Nothing to talk about today, since my day was just like any other. Got up, job searched, walked, studied, went to work and LoL. (Still on somewhat of a Losing streak in summoner's =/).

So for today, I'm going to briefly discuss a show I've been watching. It's a Korean variety show, a show that takes seven female idols and place them in a farming environment. At first, you see these idols struggling to adjust to life in the countryside, but over time they start to adjust.

As of the moment, I finished episode 29. I catch my episodes on kbsworld's YouTube channel. As a side note, the show finished airing years ago, but KBS is reuploading with subs. I don't find the subs as good as the ones done by Soshified (I believe it was them doing the subs), but they upload full episodes.

As a newbie in the Kpop world, I found Invincible Youth a great segue into the culture. Initially, out of the 7 girls, I was only familiar with three of them: Yuri and Sunny from SNSD and Sunhwa from Secret. I had no idea who Hara, from Kara, was... no idea who Narsha was (never heard of her group Brown Eyed Girls)... thought Hyuna was just a sultry idol (girl in Psy's Gangnam MV and part of the group 4minute). And as for the last member, Hyomin from T-ara... well once again I never heard of her, nor her group.

But after watching the show for a bit, I got to know each member and see their charisma shine out from the initial awkwardness. There's characters like Sunhwa's "dumb blonde" (called White Paper in Korea), Narsha's Adult-idol (from her "explicit" comments/actions) to CEO Hyomin. Completely Edited Out. And Hyuna! She just whines a lot, but she's so funny when she does! Each episode is full of laughs, from seeing the girls and the hosts play games to see who has to do more chores to who gets a snack. Despite it being scripted, it just seems so real, that each member is acting the way they want to act.

From that show, I researched each member and their groups and started listening to their songs. And from that point on, I became more and more immerse into Kpop!

And now... just waiting for Episode 30 to come out...

Edit: I just realized that the screen cap has the new cast for season 1. Victoria, Sori and Jooyeon weren't part of the original cast. They were introduced midway through to replace Sunny, Yuri and Hyuna due to their conflicting overseas schedule... or something like that.

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