Thursday 19 September 2013

Why don't you go pick on somebody your own size?!

Today was quite the contrast to yesterday's gloomy weather. It was bright, though a bit chiller than the last couple of weeks. I noticed it while I was taking my afternoon stroll; the wind was definitely a lot cooler as it gently brushed against my face. Since I didn't want to walk too far out today incase I needed to be back home, I just walked right outside my street on the pathway.

After making my 3rd lap, I noticed a small dog in the distance barking it's head off. Apparently, a bigger dog and it's owner was causing it grief. I watched with mild interest, since that dog seemed awfully familiar to me...

As I was making a roundabout, the dog lost interest of the bigger dog and whipped across the street, onto the crosswalk (where I was walking). It started to sniff the garbage can. I looked back and realized it was the same dog that terrorized me a couple months back during my daily walk.

Fortunately, it seemed more interested in the garbage can, but not wanting to be near it, I quickly hurried on home. As I was nearing my house, I turned around and saw the dog went back to go chase some person. This time though, I noticed the small terror's owner (or what appeared to be the owner) chasing after it. I thought to myself, "Finally, somebody to control that menace".

Boy, was I wrong.

As I made it to my driveway, I heard footsteps, and I turned to see a small whitish bullet heading towards me way. Knowing it was after me, I quickly faced my small opponent as it tried to snip at my ankles, growling like a little demon. We continued our charade for a couple of seconds. It was definitely a nail biting moment. It was circling me as I constantly turned around/pranced on the spot, trying to stay away from its teeth. Now, this dog is the is size is probably only about a foot long, while I'm 5'7", but it was still nevertheless terrifying. It got to the point that I was thinking I should kick the dog to defend myself, but fortunately the owner caught up to us. When the dog realized that it's master was nearby, it made a dash towards the sidewalk.

The owner seemed embarrassed, for she just hurried after the dog without acknowledging me (or perhaps not even her dog at all). I quickly ran inside my house, incase the little beast decided to come back and give me more trouble. =P

Looking back, I guess it's a good thing that the dog wasn't any bigger, or it would have been a lot scarier. But then again, I guess large dogs usually don't go chasing people (from what I've seen so far).

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