Sunday 29 April 2018

1/100 MG RX-0 Unicorn Gundam 03 Phenex

Sometimes I wonder why I put myself through the "torture" of building gundam models. In all honesty, I lost interest in building models after building the PG Strike Freedom back in 2011. Year after year, I would build a multitude of different models until I made a pledge after finishing the MG Hyakushiki 2.0 in January 2016 that I would retire from Gunpla. For those of you that don't know, Gunpla or Ganpura is the condensed form of Gundam plastic model. Not only is it a pain at times to build Gunpla, since I'm worried that I may snap a piece, lose a piece, decals, etc, it takes up quite a bit of space. I haven't begin to imagine how I would transfer them over when I do move out...

RG = Real Grade models. They're 1/144 in terms of scale (around 20 cm tall?)
MG = Master Grade models. They're 1/100 in terms of scale (around... 30 cm tall?)
PG = Perfect Grade models. They're 1/60 in terms of scale (... 45 cm tall??)
Typically, the bigger the model, the more expensive it is

However, with the release of a premium Bandai 1/144 RG 00 Qan[T] Full Saber in 2017, I somehow found myself coming back to building. I don't mind RGs since they're relatively small and don't cost as much as MGs or PGs. With that finished, I decided to relax my self-inflicted ban and limit building to one model a year.

In December last year, I had the sudden urge to build a Phenex model. It's probably due to me liking the general Unicorn Gundam design (Bandai sure milked my brother and I when it comes to the Unicorn Gundam model) and that I never built the SD Phenex that I purchased back in the day since I gave it to my brother to build. I ordered the MG Phenex, hoping for it to arrive at the beginning of Winter Break. It didn't arrive till nearly the end of break, so I placed it on hold to build for Spring Break.

Spring break arrived, and I lost all desire to build till halfway through break. Before work resumed, I finished building the main body. Saturdays were then dedicated to building, save for the last couple of few weeks because of my schedule. I did manage to finish building it today. The gold is extremely nice to look at, but seems high maintenance. I had to wear gloves while putting on the armor pieces, because the gold paint was a fingerprint magnet. It's going to be interesting when I start to apply the decals, since it's all wet decals...

Anyways, I'm done building.

For now...

Please don't relapse David. Please...

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