Wednesday 11 April 2018

2.5 Tim Hortons in Mac Hall???

Today marked set up day at the Olympic Oval for the annual Calgary Youth Science Fair. Fortunately, I had a double prep this morning, so I was able to make preparations before we boarded the bus at 11 to head off to the University of Calgary.

We arrived 20 minutes early, thus being nearly the first ones there to set up for Science Fair. With being so early, we had literally finished registration for all 25 groups in 20 minutes. With the bus not coming for another 90 minutes, I had to improvise something on the spot.

First, we traveled to MacEwan Hall to see if we can find a spot to eat our lunch. Since it was lunch time, the food court was essentially 95% full. As I led my students further down, I looked towards the double Tim Horton stops that line one side of Mac Hall. To my surprise, they added a new, additional Tim Hortons Express between the double Tim Hortons! In the past, there used to be a Pizza 73 in between the two Timmies with literally no customers. I always pondered when they were going to add a third Tims, and it looks like they did, albeit not being a full shop. (Thanks Teacher) We therefore ventured outside and ate our meals. After eating, there was still about an hour to go, so I ended up giving them a tour of the university from the Education building, back to Kinesiology.

It was nice to venture through the halls that I once trodden down many years back. Much of it was nostalgic, though there were some new additions (Science B Building!) The walk seemed to tire out my students, with some claiming that they had to sprint since I was walking quite briskly, since they were extremely quiet on the bus ride back to school.

And thus marked the end of my busy day, with badminton practice after school. It's been nearly a week since I last hit the gym... I need to find time to stop by tomorrow!

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