Saturday 14 April 2018

Friday the 13th Phone Glitch? - Science Fair and Korean BBQ

There's a spot in the University of Calgary's Lot 10 back in the day that was easily 1.5 times the size of a normal parking spot. I have to say that this spot was even bigger than parking spots located at Costco parking lots. Normally, I would try and grab this spot when I was a student, to ensure that I had ample space between my car and cars beside me.

With all the snow on the ground, I wasn't able to discern that special spot, so I kind of made my own... Fortunately, when I returned back to my car after the annual science fair, people gave me my space. Yes, I was definitely a hog today.

In terms of the Science Fair, I arrived at the Olympic Oval at 7:20 in the morning. I did not expect a huge line up, which stretched easily from the front of the doors of the oval to where the squash courts were located (approximately 100 m). Perhaps due to the registration of projects on Wednesday, once the lines started to move, we made it downstairs to the fair in no time at all.

I would assume it was an eventful day for students, but a long one for me since all I could really do was sit in the bleachers. My student teacher came along to observe, which helped time pass by as we discussed about various topics.

For lunch, I ventured back into Mac Hall. As to be expected, prices of food has shot up since I last had a meal (2013). I finally settled for Korean BBQ, and was pleasantly surprised that portion sizes were relatively large.. at least from what I remembered.

But that's all the blogging for today! Despite it being (or was) Friday the 13th, nothing extraordinary happened... well besides for my phone glitching for a while making it inoperable. It has never happened before in my last 6 months of ownership, which made things slightly spooky. As a plus side, at least it didn't emit spooky noises or images of a woman crawling out of my phone...

Lame joke to end the post.

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