Saturday 28 April 2018

Active Noise Cancelling Headphones

Despite my birthday being three weeks ago, I decided to treat myself to a new pair of headphones. I've been thinking of a set of active noise cancelling (ANC) headphones for travelling for a while, so after some initial research on YouTube, I headed down to the local Best Buy to try on a couple pairs.

After trying a few pairs that I liked from reviews I read/saw online, I settled on one and proceeded to make my way home to try them out. Since it is my first pair of ANC, I'm not used to the "ear-popping" experience you get when everything is so dead silent. I'm amazed at how well they work.

Perhaps its due to the fact that I opted for a pair of wireless headphones, the sound quality was great, but not amazing. Fortunately for me, I want a pair mostly to muffle the droning sound from an airplane's engine, or from loud conversations that sometimes take place at home when I try and do work. =P

All in all, I'm quite pleased with my purchase, and look forward to trying them out on a plane this summer! Now all I need to do is figure out where do I want to go this year...

Japan for the fourth time in five years? =P I haven't visited the northern region of Honshu yet...

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