Monday 23 April 2018

It's hard to believe that we'll have temperatures near the 20s this week

This is the time of the year where I'm not too fond of due to the extreme shifts in temperatures. This morning was around zero degrees, but the afternoon hit... 14 degrees Celsius? I know I shouldn't be complaining about the warm weather, but I'm looking forward to more stable temperatures!

Other than that, it was a typical work day. Day 5 at work meant no preps, but having no preps do make the day go by quicker, albeit busy. For my grade 5 gym class that I help the gym teacher with, I took my group outside. It was relatively windy which brought a slight chill in the air despite all the sunlight from the clear blue sky. We ended up playing Infection and Toilet Tag (where if you're caught, you have to pretend to be a toilet and wait for someone to "flush" you so you can return back to the game). 

Badminton practice went relatively smoothly, followed by a session at the gym for back and arms today.

Now onto some much needed rest today before work resumes again tomorrow! Hell month is almost over...

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