Thursday 12 April 2018

Power Outage at Work

Weather: -2 with fog and snow

The fog and slippery grounds were perhaps ominous for what was to come this morning. As I parked my car at work, I saw a silver Evo to the side of my eye. I stepped out of my car, like how I normally would, but I didn't take into account how slippery the ground could have been... which had me ending up slipping and falling onto the ground.

Fortunately, I did not land on my face, for I do not want another dental crown so soon (6 years ago). I did manage to scrap my palms, and a possible bruise on my left palm, for it has a dull ache when I apply pressure on it (I really hope it's not fractured). Another positive note is that none of my clothes were wrecked from the gravel on the ground.

After settling into my class, I turned on my computer and headed down towards the office to post some announcements. After returning to my class, I chatted with a co-worker that stopped by, when all of a sudden the lights started to flicker and go out. The emergency lights came on, and lo and behold... my first ever power outage/blackout at work. And the ironic part was students were starting to come in at this time.

The blackout took about two hours to be restored, so I ended up telling ghost stories to my students for the first 30 minutes or so. For the last 90 minutes, students broke up and did their own activity -- that reminds me to bring some cards to the Science Fair tomorrow to keep students entertained if they don't have anything to play with as they wait to get judged...

Other than that, the day proceeded like normal once the lights came back on. After practice today, I ended up staying at home instead of proceeding to the gym. It's been an exhausting week for me, but it's coming to a close.

I'll be a lot less stressed once Science Fair and badminton is over! Though May is the month of field trips for me... and that reminds me of the grade 9 trip I need to plan out before the end of the year...

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