Monday 16 April 2018

I believe that if I put my mind into something, commitment would not be an issue for me. I've been on Duolingo with a 266 day streak. I also, with some missed days, kept up with a 365 day challenge on Instagram.

This 365 day blog challenge will be a lot tougher, in terms of trying to keep things original and interesting to those who read my blog. Thank you all for taking time out of your day to read my thoughts!

Once again, a typical day at work with badminton practice at the end. I've been planning a trip to the observatory for my grade 9s, but I keep putting it on the back burner until I realized that there's only a couple months of school left. With a sense of urgency, I sent a request to the University of Calgary to see whether or not I can bring the 9s into the observatory for a workshop/field trip. Fortunately, they had open spots! Lesson is to never procrastinate this long... even with other things on your plate!

After what seems like an eternity, due to such a hellish week last week, I managed to make it to the gym at around 7 PM (after work). It was awfully busy, but it always seems to be busy on Mondays. Due to my bad back/glute/hip/something lower body, I've been restricted to doing either light leg workouts or upper body.

I loathe arm day...

But I guess all guys need some arms...

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