Saturday 7 April 2018

Let's see how long this'll last... Day 1 of the 365 Blogging Day Challenge

One of my initial goals when I started this blog was to improve my writing skills -- being more technical and expanding my vocabulary. I would say that blogging did help me achieve my goal, but of course, there's always room for improvement. The last couple months of inactivity is mostly due to work and pure laziness.

To help encourage me to continue to write, I decided to blog daily for the last year of my 20's. I meant to post this earlier so that it'll line up exactly with my birthday, but I was preoccupied with gaming.

As to start off, I cannot recall having so much snow on my birthday before, and for being so cold! I lost all motivation to head to the gym, so I ended up staying home working on my MG Phenex. I always said I would retire after making the MG Hyaku Shiki, but somehow I ended up getting two more kits after my supposedly swam song.

At least I managed to keep it to one kit a year over the past couple of years...

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