Wednesday 25 April 2018

Last badminton practice for the year!

With badminton season fast approaching it's conclusion for the year, we ended our final practice today. I'm not sure if I mentioned it before, but I had help this year from one of my colleague's son. He has been extremely helpful which made my life a lot easier over the past month.

After practice, I realized that I didn't have a copy of my test prepared to print, which put a bit of a damper on my mood. Therefore, I ended up going home to work on my exam. Apparently I did not save a copy of the Light and Optical system written test on my computer... meaning I had to redo certain sections.

Otherwise my uncle dropped by to deliver some soybean milk that he made, which turned out to be tastier than I expected, even though no sugar was added.

Other than that, it was a typical evening of work. I believe someone at work said there's only 44 more days of work left? Perhaps it's time to start a countdown?

I hope I'll be able to wake up early tomorrow since I have to remind myself to print off the exams...

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