Saturday 21 April 2018

Rocky Ridge YMCA

I wasn't able to fall asleep till 2:30 AM for some unknown reason, which didn't help that I had to get up at around 8:30 for a massage and chiro appointment. I ended up sleeping till 8:45 that led to a hurried breakfast before driving down to the core for my appointments.

Fortunately the roads were dry and traffic, despite it being busier than the last couple months (I book my appointments on Saturday so I don't have to take time off work), I made it with fifteen minutes to spare. I started off with my massage session, which was much needed despite not getting in solid workouts over the past month. Chiro went relatively well -- I been having issues with my lower back and hip flexors, so a session of electro stimulation therapy via dry needling (I believe that's what it's called... or was it intramuscular trigger point therapy?) was the medicine for today. It had worked for my knee last year, so I'm hoping that it'll help with my back (which has not been too bad as of late).

After my appointments, it was off to the gym! Instead of heading to the gym I normally go to, my workout buddy and I headed down to the relatively new Rocky Ridge YMCA. Having twelve squat racks available is nice, meaning that we didn't have to wait to squat for today. Also, the knurling on the bars at this gym is amazing -- no slipping at all! It's been a while since I last squat, but it went better than expected. After about an hour of squatting, it was off for some deadlifts and flat benching: three essential body building exercises. =P

And somehow, that marked pretty much my entire day. It's hard to believe that it's already 10:35 PM, but I'm feeling tired so I should be able to get a good night's rest today!

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