Monday 30 April 2018

It's the last day of April already?!?

With the end of April comes approximately 1/3 of 2018 over. I have yet to understand why each year seemingly passes by quicker and quicker. Anyways, a normal work day followed by a bit of back and arms at the gym. Nothing out of the ordinary besides the unexpected construction zone on 52nd pass 16th Ave. It's like what they say in Calgary... there's only two seasons: winter and construction season.

Mundane days like this is good every now and then. I think I had enough excitement throughout this month. I can still clearly remember all the snow at the beginning of the month, followed by such nice weather a few weeks after. Science Fair was a hassle to coordinate, but being able to see my students in awe of other projects was well worth it. I hope it'll let some of them realize how big the world can be. Badminton was stressful, but fortunately I had help coaching this year.

Off to sleep!

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