Tuesday 1 May 2018

Onigiris are indeed best from the homeland

My title is highly biased, and potentially inaccurate. I never had an onigiri in Canada before. They're hard to find, and if a restaurant does sell onigiri, they tend to be expensive. For those that don't know what onigiri is, it's a rice ball. Or according to the original Pokemon TV show, it's jelly donuts (how many people will get this reference I wonder). I'm basing my title on how Japanese food tastes so much better, for me, in Japan than in Canada. 

My father came back from Japan today after visiting his family. For the past couple of years he's been bringing back onigiri from the 7-11, which I'm assuming is at the Narita Airport (even though I've never found a 7-11 at Narita's Airport). There was the typical spicy cod roe and mayo tuna rice balls, but I got the chance to sample a new flavor: natto and pickled plum. The sour plum masks the slightly pungent taste of natto = tasty combination.

Besides food, my dad brought back a bunch of pictures from Japan. Back in the past, when film cameras were all the rage, my dad would send pictures to my grandparents. It's nice to look back at these pictures. As time goes by, I'm slowly, starting to appreciate the importance of pictures.

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