Thursday 10 May 2018


I'm no expert at all when it comes to computers, nor am I knowledgeable enough to give an informed opinion on Google's recent keynote. During the event, they showcased their new advanced AI system, dubbed Google Duplex if I'm not mistaken.

I have to say that I was fooled when I was listening to the phone call conversation between a human and a robot. The robot/AI sounded so human like that it was scary. What really got to me were the slight hesitation and filler words (like using Mhm when it was asked to wait) that made it hard for me to distinguish an artificial voice and a natural human voice.

Hearing that naturalness, to me, reminded me of Dan Brown's Origin book, where a robotic assistant (Winston if I remember correctly) was assisting Robert Langdon.

But anyways, what do I think about Google Duplex? I can see it as being beneficial if used like how its intended to be used. It'll be cool to have your own secretary/assistant to book appointments for you or deal with other mundane tasks (ie: perhaps call my CC company if I have any inquires). However, I can see it as a new way for scammers to take advantage of people. Robot calls are already bad enough.

With the advancement of artificial intelligence, it'll be interesting to see where it goes in a few years time. Like the saying goes, "what a time to be alive".

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