Wednesday 9 May 2018

Finally Rain!

If I'm not mistaken, we had our first rain/showers this spring today. It's nice to get this form of precipitation instead of snow or the icy rain back in April.

Work was quite ordinary. The grade 9s had a field trip today, thus I had a prep first thing in the morning, which was much welcomed since it's my non-prep day today. One good thing about non-prep days though, is that the days go by quickly.

At the end of work today, I was packing up when I started hearing a car revving it's engine. I wasn't quite sure if it was in our parking lot (since my classroom is one of the closest classrooms to the parking lot), or on the street outside. I ignored it for a while, but it dawned on me that it sounded oddly familiar... somewhat like my exhaust note. Panicking slightly, I opened my blinds and fortunately saw that my car was still there. What was making that noise was a foreign car, that happened to be the same type of car as mine, just a few generations older.

Laughing a bit, I packed up and drove home to rest before heading back out for back day. A volume day but nothing too extremely hard today.

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