Thursday 17 May 2018

Rainy Fieldtrip

The grade 9s had a field trip today to the Rothney Astrophysical Observatory, which is located outside of Calgary and about thirty minutes away from school. The purpose of the field trip was to let students see telescopes and, weather permitting, allow them to see the sun under a telescope.

Unfortunately, it was rainy today so the field trip was mostly a lecture. It was apparent that the students were disappointed and restless throughout the entire ordeal. I on the other hand, thoroughly enjoyed today's field trip since I was able to learn quite a bit about space. I do regret not taking any astrophysics courses in University. Perhaps I'll be able to find a course online!

In terms of my sickness, I feel a lot better today. No headaches, with minor coughs and runny nose.

As always, sleep seems to be the best cure! Rest up for another field trip tomorrow -- with the grade 8s this time!

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