Tuesday 15 May 2018

Big Blunder

My cold progressed from migraine/runny nose/cough to mostly just a running nose and cough. I'm glad I don't have migraines anymore and I guess sleep and perhaps those black garlic is doing its trick. The Tylenol Night pills didn't do anything to make me feel drowsy, but the antihistamine was amazing.

As I was driving to work this morning, I was thinking about work; more specifically the upcoming field trips this week. I was thinking whether two buses would be enough instead of three. As I got to work, I headed down to the office to check the bus booking binder that holds records of all buses booked for field trips.

As I was flipping through May, I saw my previous bookings and bookings for Friday and next Friday. What I was looking forward though, Thursday's field trip, was not in the binder... Panicking, I flipped through the entire binder but with no luck. My first period was prep, so I called the bus booking company to see if they had a copy of my reservation... in which they did not. Things were made worse when I was told that there may not be any buses available for that day. Despite making the confirmation, I must have forgotten to print and submit it to the office.

I was further fortunate in that the principal was around, so I asked him for help. After a few calls, he was able to book me the buses I need for the day. For the future to ensure that this does not happen again, I'll be double checking a week or two before field trips!

Other than that, work went like always, save for me blowing and wiping my nose every 10 minutes or so. I wondered if the late day migraine yesterday came from me sniffling the entire time, which had me blowing my nose more often than I usually would. The head custodian at my school installed a new paper towel dispenser in my room that delivers softer white paper towels instead of the normal brown towels; surprisingly soft on my nose.

And rest before early sleep once again! 

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