Tuesday 8 May 2018

First PAT

Technically not my PAT, but my entire morning was essentially supervising the LA writing PAT exam. Unlike the other final exams, I had an EA help supervise, thus meaning I had time to get a lot of marking done! It's amazing to see (some) students concentrate for four and a half hours to write a test!

Slowly but surely.. I'll catch up in terms of marking. I think another weekend or two would suffice! Hopefully I won't encounter the same issue next school year...

With the morning being spent on supervising/marking, the afternoon seemed awfully quick since I only had two classes to teach in the afternoon. After students left, it was off to count money for another field trip. Two field trips next week and one the week after. As always, despite the time needed to plan for field trips, it's a great way to "take time off" from the daily grind.

And off to sleep. Hopefully I'll be able to find time to hit the gym tomorrow. I actually feel somewhat guilty for not working out yesterday nor today. =P Also, rest should help make my thoughts more coherent when I write.

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