Wednesday 16 May 2018

Revenge of the Headache

My runny nose was not as prevalent today, but it led to my sinuses being clogged. That meant the return of my headaches. Fortunately, they weren't as bad as Sunday's episode but it was tough getting through the work day. After I got home, I immediately crashed on the couch by my computer.

Perhaps it's time to take a sick day... I haven't taken a sick day since my first year of teaching, but I have field trips tomorrow and Friday. I'm not looking forward to Friday's field trip, due to my illness, since we'll be on the Bow River for the entire day.

And no more Tylenol Nights for me... besides stopping my nose from running, it doesn't make me drowsy enough to fall asleep. But enough complaining from me for one day. I'm feeling drowsy enough to fall asleep quickly.

I hope...

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