Saturday 12 May 2018

It's not too often that I get to drive auto

After switching to driving manual in May 2016 daily, I don't often get the opportunity to drive automatic. Despite not being able to perform advance techniques (ie: heel-toe downshift, drifting, burn outs... joking about the last two), I'm getting to the point where it's all muscle memory when I drive.

Manual transmission is a pain to drive during heavy traffic, for it's constantly about clutching in and out, shifting into first, inching forward by feathering the clutch and hoping that your clutch foot doesn't cramp up. I'm fortunate that my stock clutch isn't too heavy, but my leg would feel sore after a long session in heavy traffic. However, the feeling of "being connected" with the car far outweighs the cons of manual.

Though, it was a nice experience to drive auto today. I took my mom's SUV since I went to pick up my brother from the airport. At times, my left foot would automatically try and reach a clutch in the SUV, or my right hand would automatically head towards the shifter. The drive was relatively long, but boring due to the lack of traffic at 11 PM.

With all that being said, I think my next daily driver will be a manual... but knowing me I'll probably change my mind when it comes to that time.

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