Sunday 20 May 2018

Winter Wheel Cleanup

The last time I sealed my winter wheels was two years ago, when I first got them mounted with winter tires. Since they didn't have a decent wash in a while, and it was the long weekend, I thought I might as well give them a wash.

I slotted two hours, but it ended up taking closer to four for some odd reason... My process was relatively straight forward: rinse, spray with wheel cleaner and let it sit for a bit, rinse, flip over, use a wash mitt, rinse, flip it back to the front, wash mitt and final rinse (perhaps a bit overboard with the rinsing). For two winters, they're in a lot better shape than I expected. True, they're scratched up, and having a shiny surface makes all the scratches quite apparent. I tried applying a polish compound that I purchased from Part Source today, but it didn't seem to be as effective as I hoped it would be. Either way, winter wheels will be winter wheels. I'm just pleased that there weren't a lot of chips from rocks flying all over the place (*knock on wood*)

After washing, it was straight to sealing them and storing for the winter. I didn't get as much school work done, but there's always tomorrow.

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