Monday 7 May 2018

Sales are always a good thing... isn't it?

I nearly forgot how long it takes to count money for a field trip. I had the double prep first thing in the morning today, but it took nearly the entire 88 minutes I had to count and tally money... let alone input it into my computer for my own record keeping. Fortunately, there's only three field trips to worry about, which is considerably much easier than coaching badminton!

After work, I headed down to the London Drugs by my house because there was a sale on Panasonic earbuds that were the same as my current busted ones. For $10, you can't go wrong with a set of decent sounding earbuds (from $20 originally). I was looking for another set of black ones, but they all sold out. After contemplating on silver/white or blue, I decided to go with the latter since it'll match my workout hoodie. =P

Other than that, it'll probably be a long week in terms of work. I'm slowly catching up with my marking and inputting marks (another set of marks to enter this weekend!). Also, hopefully I'm able to hit the sack earlier than previous weeks to get in at least 6 hours of quality sleep.

With that, it's time for bed!

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