Monday 14 May 2018


I didn't post yesterday because my headache/migraine was getting to the point where my head would pulsate when I moved my neck. It wasn't too bad in the morning, but it intensified after karate and driving home.

I think I caught a cold, rather than the flu, but the muscle aches were hard made me think of the latter. However, I had a pretty eventful leg day the day before, which could explain the pain.

Either way, I came home from Karate, and went to lay down for a while. I got up a couple of times to get a hair cut (I'm cheap so my mom cuts my hair for me), and to eat dinner. Otherwise it was trying to get as much rest as possible.

15 hours of sleep does the body wonders though. I'll blog about my day today in the evening. Now onto work that I missed yesterday!

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