Wednesday 30 May 2018

Volume Back Day

For those who didn't hear, there has been a breach with certain routers and bank accounts. A list of affected routers can be found here:

Also, if you have a Simplii (CIBC) or I believe a BMO bank account, there's a chance that it might be hacked as well.

Since I have both (my router wasn't on the list, but I thought I might as well update the firmware), it was time to change some settings.

As for the gym today, it was Back-day Wednesdays. Last week was weighted pull-ups so today was volume pull-ups. I have trouble going past six normally, but the weighted pull ups seem to be helping with the volume.

22 more days to go! I'm not sure if I can finish 8 review booklet answer keys in the span of a week though... on top of making notes for my grade 9s and the upcoming marking this weekend for the grade 8 unit tests. I regret not starting earlier with the answer keys.

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