Friday 4 May 2018

Centre Street Japanese Hot Pot

Like most people, I look forward to Friday. Instead of the daily "bellringer" work I assign to students during the week (to help up them prep up for their lesson), I usually give them some sort of riddle to solve on Fridays. At times, we'll use a TED Ed riddle, which I find to be ridiculously hard. Most years, none of my students will be able to solve it (save for one student this year who has amazing logic skills for someone their age), but they always like trying to solve these riddles. We tried the "three gods" riddle, which was harder than other TED Ed riddles. Unfortunately, even my extremely logically student was unable to solve the riddle today.

Otherwise, work was an ordinary day, filled with notes and anxious students/teachers waiting for the weekend to begin. Today's workout was relatively short, but intense. Minimal breaks between sets and exercises lead to fatigue quite quickly.

After working out, we headed to a restaurant down Centre Street known as Centre Street Japanese Hot Pot. It's not an AYCE place, which is actually something I prefer now a days since I'm trying to cut. The large portion for hot pot had more than enough food for me. Unlike other places, they had sukiyaki as a broth option. With the ryokan as a unfair benchmark, I opted to give their sukiyaki a try. Overall, it was a lot better than I expected. I'm not a food connoisseur, so I won't bother going into details (and I'm feeling extremely lazy to write out my opinion).

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