Thursday 31 May 2018

Almost snapped my neck

As you can tell by my joyous tone, I'm alive and well... so far anyways.

Another typical day at work -- we had an assembly in the afternoon where a police corporal came to talk to the students about self control. I thought it was a powerful message and I hope that it got through with some of my students.

As it was Thursday, it was leg day. My goal was to get five sets of five reps for 225 lbs today. First two sets were rough, but the third and fourth set felt pretty smooth. On my fifth set however, I somehow lost my balance and tipped forward. I wasn't able to regain my balance so I had to bail.

Unfortunately I couldn't drop the weight behind me so I had to have the bar roll off my head as I bent forward. As some of you may have guessed, that meant having 225 lbs on my neck for a brief moment. I don't feel any soreness at the moment, but I'll have to wait and see tomorrow... =/

That was the first I ever failed leaning forward. Usually when I fail, it's due to not being able to push the bar up, thus dropping it behind me.

I guess the bright side is, it's not another lower body injury. =P

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