Monday 14 May 2018

Surprisingly functional

Morning started great in comparison to yesterday. Like mentioned, it's probably due to sleep.

Headache was gone, coughing was a minimal and no signs of a running nose. A few hours after though, things started to downhill, but tolerable compared to yesterday.

After blogging in the afternoon, I managed to finish writing up a written unit test, and edit two other tests for my grade 7s and 8s. Yay for reusing old material! It saves a lot of time. I also managed to work on the field trips for the end of the work week. I pray that things become better closer to the date of the field trip...

But otherwise, onto a concoction of black garlic and white raddish syrup with honey. These remedies seemed to work in the past, so I'm hoping they will again this time around.

Or I can try the night time Tylenol lying around.

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