Saturday 26 May 2018

Calaway 2018

Another year, another Calaway park trip for the grade 8s. We were blessed with hot weather and clear skies. Unlike previous years, I gave the grade 8s permission to roam on their own. Majority of them showed up on time to leave for buses at the end of the trip, save for two students who were ten minutes late.

Other than that, I spent most of it walking around and relaxing. Just one more field trip to go!

Other than Calaway, it was chest day at the gym. I've been having troubles with pushing 205 lbs consistently as of late. I was only able to muster five sets of three reps, but I'm getting used to these temporary plateaus.

Another typical Friday, but a good one nonetheless. Five more weeks of school left! I better get my review booklets ready for exams...

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