Friday 18 May 2018

Cancelled Field Trip

As I was heading out the house, I checked my phone and noticed that I received a call from Edmonton. There was a voice mail notification, so I proceeded to unlock my phone to check. As I did, I received a text message from the business manager of the field trip that my grade 8s were supposed to attend today. Due to certain circumstances, it had to be cancelled today.

I made a few hurried phone calls before starting my car to drive to work. I left a lot later than I usually would, but I managed to be only a few minutes late today. Thank goodness that it's the long weekend, thus traffic was extremely smooth.

As for today, a lot of improvisation was needed. My grade 8s ended up watching an episode of Bill Nye Saves the World that discussed the importance of water scarcity. After work, I headed on home to rest up. I feel a lot better than a few days back (with slight improvements from yesterday). Hopefully I'll be nearly recovered by Sunday.

I spent the early afternoon and early night working on a nanoblock Ho-oh my brother got me from Honk Kong. It's rated to be a 4 out of 5 in terms of difficulty, but I couldn't see/understand the complexity until I reached the tail. It was slightly frustrating to piece the fragile tail together, but somehow I managed.

Now off to sleep! The long weekend should be busy!

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