Sunday 27 May 2018

Go through a stop sign and signal me as crazy... whatever floats your boat!

Karate was the normal affair, besides me being late by nearly 20 minutes. I forgot that the Scotiabank Marathon was taking place today, so I had to take a detour and park underground.

After karate, I went out for some bowling at Chinook Bowladrome. I believe the last time I went there was in university with a few cousins, thus making me a complete noob. We managed to put in two games, and I was pleased to say that I got one strike and a few spares to boot. I think my highest score was 142 points, which is the first time for me to break the 100 point barrier!

As for the title for today, when I dropped off a friend after bowling, I approached a four-way stop intersection. I see a silver car to the left of me slow down -- I stopped and proceeded to go because the silver car did not stop before I did.

I assumed that it'll stop... but instead, after slowing down, it sped up and went through the intersection. The driver of the car was staring at me and made looping circles around their ear. For those of you that are not familiar with that gesture, it meant that the driver of the car thought I was crazy.

I in turn just stared at the driver and raised my palm up in exasperation. I guess you need all sorts of people to make the world go 'round.

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