Thursday 19 April 2018

Now it's starting to make sense!

Analysis of a piece of work is never an easy task for me. I recall how I loathed English class back in high school and the one course I took in university, because we had to analyse the author's intent. Back then, I never found learning about the author's intent to be interesting to me. Watching certain dramas and anime has definitely helped me appreciate the importance of seeing things through the creator's lens.

With my third watch of Your Lie in April, I'm starting to pick up subtle hints about the plot line that I never got during my first two runs of the show. The one in particular is the relationship between the main character, Arima, and his two rivals in piano: Igawa and Aiza. From my understanding, Igawa wants to bring back a pure Arima pianist (before Arima became all "metronome" like with his extremely accurate playing) while Aiza wants to be acknowledged by "metronome" Arima. It's like now I feel like I understand, or starting to understand why things are going the way they are in the anime.

Only a few more episodes left before the series is finished. In other news, I'll need to rewatch Violet Evergarden to catch everything I missed through my first run-through (and after I read the light novel, in which I only finished three chapters).  

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