Saturday 21 April 2018

Late Friday Post

Like last week, Friday's post is late. Most of the time, I'm usually out on Friday nights and don't get back till nearly midnight. Therefore, most Friday posts will be written and posted by Saturday afternoon, save for today.

Fridays in general are interesting for a number of reasons. It marks the end of the work week for most individuals, which literally means a day that tends to be... how can I put it in words... more relaxed then normal? I'm not saying it's a wasted day, but it's rather a day that allows people to "loosen up the noose around their necks" and look forward towards the weekend.

For some reason, the grade 7s were a bit more hyper than normal... to put it nicely. It could be due to the student teachers' last day at our school. In the span of five minutes, we managed to settle on a plan for a surprise good-bye party for my student teacher.

It took another 10 minutes to have everyone in position though... fortunately it went through without any major hitches.

Other than that, it was a typical Friday. Chest Day at the gym. Somehow, when I injure my lower body, my upper body gains strength goes up despite spending the same amount of time on upper body exercises. However, I don't have enough data to back up my claim...

Other than that, please look forward to my Saturday post that'll be up in a couple of hours!

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