Monday 9 April 2018

A Badminton and Science Fair Week

Weather: High of 6 with a mixture of sun and cloud

I knew I would screw myself over by taking a nap yesterday afternoon... what made it worse was that I decided to nap at around 4 PM. I didn't wake from my slumber till around 6... which meant a restless night as I try to let my dreams entice me before a work week restarts.

And this week is going to be unlike any week I had so far this school year... badminton and Calgary Youth Science Fair.

Badminton I have done a number of times, but being the science fair coordinator at my school is a first for me. After a long day, with practice ending at 4:30, I didn't end up leaving work till almost a couple of hours later. I meant to take home some Science Fair material, but I ended up leaving it at work...

Something to do tomorrow as I await our annual single preliminary tournament.

At least the drive was pleasant going home with relatively dry roads.

Due to the lack of work that I brought home with me, I managed to get in both an episode of Your Lie in April (3rd time watching it, which is nice since I'm able to catch things I have missed the first two times I watched it) and Violet Evergarden. Perhaps a more detailed review of the latter anime series, though two melodramatic anime to keep my mind of work...

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