Sunday 22 April 2018

There's some things that cannot be truly expressed

I'm grateful that I did not read the light novel of Violet Evergarden before watching the show. I was able to fit in chapter 5 of the light novel today during a break between tasks. Without spoiling too much, the chapter discussed a prisoner as a client for Violet.

This chapter wasn't shown in the anime, but if it did, I would say it would be a momentous deal breaker for the show. The matter of perspective was the biggest theme in this chapter: in war, the victors are the one that are justifiable while the losers are evil and need to be eradicated.

The conversation between the prisoner and Violet was eye-opening, even when I'm aware of the clear distinction between winners and losers. It felt like such a huge change from the tone of the previous chapters.

They say that a picture is worth 1000 words, but sometimes I feel that a bunch of pictures are unable to express the intent of the author as well -- even with different artistic techniques (ie: color).

It'll be an interesting rewatch when I'm done reading the light novel.

And today marks the end of my third run through of Your Lie in April. I think I'm starting to become numb from all the melodrama... time to find something different to watch for a while!


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