Tuesday 10 April 2018

Surprising upsets at the Singles Tournament

April marks the time of change for me. Besides my birthday in April, and the supposedly warmer weather that gives hints of what summer has to bring, it is a time of a new sport season: badminton.

Every year, we have a couple preliminary tournaments before our championship tournament at the end of the month. Over the past couple of years, there had been one student that I've seen remarkable growth in terms of skill level in badminton. However, perhaps by sheer bad luck, this student lost all of his matches. This student seemed a bit bummed down, but recovered rather quickly.

There were a couple other students that I had high hopes for, yet they didn't do as well as I thought they would. On the flip side, a few students did remarkably better than what I expected so kudos to them!

Now onto much needed rest before heading to the UofC to set up for Science Fair tomorrow.

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